Author : Kimberly DERTING
Title : The Pledge
Format : e-book
ISBN : ISBN 9781442422032
Published : 15/11/2011
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Series : The Pledge (#1)
Author : Niccoló AMMANITI
Title : Je n'ai pas peur
Format : e-book
ISBN : 222113348X
Published : 23/08/2012
Publisher: Robert Laffont
Original title : Io, non ho paura (2001)
Author : Camilla LÄCKBERG
Title : Cyanure
Format : ebook
ISBN : 9782330004590
Published : 11/2011
Publisher : Actes Sud
Original Title : Snöstorm och mandeldoft (2007)
Series : Fjällbacka / Erica Falck (side story)
Author : Sara FAWKES
Title : Tout ce qu'il voudra - 1
Format : e-book
Published : 31/10/2012
Publisher : Marabout
Original Title : Anything he wants (2012)
Series : Tout ce qu'il voudra (orig : Dominated by the billionaire)
As they say in Dutch "Driemaal is scheepsrecht", and therefore I couldn't stick to just two challenges this year. I looked around the interwebs and found several other challenges that sounded tempting (like paranormal fiction challenges etc) but I was looking for one that would push me out of my comfort zone. It's not really a challenge if you don't have to make any effort, is it? :o)
Still searching for a few other challenges to join, I came across an A to Z challenge (hosted by Babies, Books and Beyond) that seemed particularly appealing. The goal is simple : read 26 books during 2013, one per letter of the alphabet.
After joining challenges in the kitchen area, I thought it might be a good idea to do the same for the books I read in order to keep me focused and motivated (as I am easily sidetracked into all other kinds of fun activities - like the aforementioned cooking and baking challenges - to the detriment of my ever growing TBR stack).
Le chat de bibliothèque is the place were I will be writing about the different (e-)books I have read and plan on reading in the coming months. So feel free to browse my shelves, grab a seat and spend some time with me in the wonderful world of the written word.